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|  Dear friend, Here's an opportunity for you to enjoy holiday @ your own Holiday home.This offer is part of our vally view holiday homes, we have designed holidy homes to suit your needs, you could use this holiday homes to enjoy vacations,helthcare requirment,or you can invite your friends,reletives to enjoy weekends at your own holiday home ,they can utilize the facilities of club taking this holiday home is very easy! just Enter in wishlist on / with 12 E.M.I. advance chaques of 5000/- balance amount , as per construction progress,in four instalments of Rs.210000/- after intial booking stage ,we will give program schedule of construction ,for the period of 8 months . meanwhile if you are eligible & required loan amount can apply from bank ,just call our represntative for more details Our holiday homes offer 500 A type & 1000 B type of comfertable well equiped holiday homes, classic cottages in rural settings,arround mumbai . They include club house, swimming pool, rock gardans , golf club ,jogging park ,Restarunts,play grounds, marketing place,clinic & all star amminities required for star club including your own swizarland Type holiday home in the grounds of valley view holiday homes what ever location you choose for your holiday homes you can be assured of special welcome & the highest standard of comfort & Quality Log on sifi blog @ boomtime2007 as user for details, write details on gest book for further application for holiday homes ,by back offer is avilable for details contact 800 sft FOR 6 LKHS WITH 1000 SFT GARDEN 1000 Sft FOR 9 LKHS WITH 2000 SFT GARDEN 1500 sft FOR 15 LKHS WITH 3000 SFT GARDEN |
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